PF Chang's
Chang's Spicy Chicken
Succulent, spicy chicken stir-fried with a signature sweet-spicy chili sauce and green onion. A PF Chang's classic!
20 mins
20 mins
2lb chicken breasts (cut into small pieces)<br> 2 tbsp vegetable oil<br> 1 bunch green onions (thinly sliced)<br> 3 cloves garlic (minced)<br> 1/2 cup sweet chili sauce<br> 1 tbsp soy sauce<br> 1/2 tsp red chili flakes<br> Salt to taste.
<div class="method_step"><div class="method_num">1</div>Heat up the vegetable oil in a large pan.<br></div> <div class="method_step"><div class="method_num">2</div>Add chicken pieces to the pan, season with salt and stir-fry until they are nicely browned.<br></div> <div class="method_step"><div class="method_num">3</div>Add the minced garlic and green onions, stir-fry for another couple of minutes until fragrant.<br></div> <div class="method_step"><div class="method_num">4</div>Lower the heat and pour in the sweet chili sauce, soy sauce, and red chili flakes. Stir everything together and let it simmer for about 5 minutes, or until the sauce thickens.<br></div> <div class="method_step"><div class="method_num">5</div>Check the seasoning and adjust if needed. Serve hot, garnished with extra green onions and enjoy your Chang's Spicy Chicken at home.<br></div>
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PF Chang's
Chang's Spicy Chicken
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The calorie count is an approximation and can vary based on exact measurements and specific ingredients used. Always consult nutritional information if strict adherence to calorie counts is required. This recipe aims to replicate the flavour of the dish but may not be an exact match to the proprietary recipe used by the restaurant.
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