Zinger Tower Burger
A towering delight of crispy chicken, fresh lettuce, cheese, and a hash brown between a sesame bun.
20 mins
20 mins
4 boneless chicken thighs<br> 4 tablespoons hot sauce (like Tabasco) or to taste<br> 1 cup all-purpose flour<br> 2 teaspoons paprika<br> 2 teaspoons garlic powder<br> 1 teaspoon salt<br> 1 teaspoon black pepper<br> 1 cup buttermilk<br> 4 large sesame seed buns, split<br> 8 slices of cheddar cheese<br> 4 lettuce leaves<br> 4 hash browns, cooked<br> Mayonnaise<br>
<div class="method_step">Begin by marinating the chicken thighs in the hot sauce for at least an hour, or overnight for the best flavor.</div> <br> <div class="method_step">In a separate bowl, mix the flour, paprika, garlic powder, salt, and pepper. Dip the marinated chicken thighs into the buttermilk, then coat them thoroughly in the flour mixture.</div> <br> <div class="method_step">Heat oil in a deep fryer or large pan to 350°F (175°C). Fry the chicken for about 8-10 minutes or until golden brown and fully cooked inside. Drain on paper towels.</div> <br> <div class="method_step">Toast the sesame seed buns lightly. Start building your tower by placing a slice of cheese on the bottom half of each bun.</div> <br> <div class="method_step">Layer lettuce over the cheese, add the fried chicken, then another slice of cheese.</div> <br> <div class="method_step">Top the cheese with a cooked hash brown, spread mayonnaise on the top half of the bun, and cover your tower.</div> <br> <div class="method_step">Serve your Zinger Tower Burger immediately, with extra hot sauce or ketchup if desired.</div>
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Zinger Tower Burger
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The calorie count is an approximation and can vary based on exact measurements and specific ingredients used. Always consult nutritional information if strict adherence to calorie counts is required. This recipe aims to replicate the flavour of the dish but may not be an exact match to the proprietary recipe used by the restaurant.
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{"@context":"http://schema.org/","@type":"Recipe","name":"Zinger Tower Burger","image":[],"author":{"@type":"Person","name":"Omar Choudhry","brand":"Guilty Chef","jobTitle":"Head Chef","image":"https://assets-global.website-files.com/6413018be9e64bfc7f0c3a19/65f3deaac32056ed78836bd4_omar-choudhry-guilty-chef.jpg"},"datePublished":"2024-03-16","description":"A towering delight of crispy chicken, fresh lettuce, cheese, and a hash brown between a sesame bun.","prepTime":"PT20M","cookTime":"PT20M","totalTime":"PT40M","keywords":"Zinger Burger, Tower Burger, Crispy Chicken, Fast Food, Cheeseburger","recipeYield":"4","recipeCategory":"","recipeCuisine":"American","nutrition":{"@type":"NutritionInformation","calories":"1200 calories","carbohydrateContent":"53 g","proteinContent":"59 g","fatContent":"70 g","saturatedFatContent":"20 g","cholesterolContent":"260 mg","sodiumContent":"1830 mg","fibreContent":"3 g","sugarContent":"6 g","servingSize":"1 serving"},"recipeIngredient":["4 boneless chicken thighs","4 tablespoons hot sauce (like Tabasco) or to taste","1 cup all-purpose flour","2 teaspoons paprika","2 teaspoons garlic powder","1 teaspoon salt","1 teaspoon black pepper","1 cup buttermilk","4 large sesame seed buns, split","8 slices of cheddar cheese","4 lettuce leaves","4 hash browns, cooked","Mayonnaise"],"recipeInstructions":[{"@type":"HowToStep","name":"Marinate","text":"Begin by marinating the chicken thighs in the hot sauce for at least an hour, or overnight for the best flavor."},{"@type":"HowToStep","name":"Coat","text":"In a separate bowl, mix the flour, paprika, garlic powder, salt, and pepper. Dip the marinated chicken thighs into the buttermilk, then coat them thoroughly in the flour mixture."},{"@type":"HowToStep","name":"Fry","text":"Heat oil in a deep fryer or large pan to 350°F (175°C). Fry the chicken for about 8-10 minutes or until golden brown and fully cooked inside. Drain on paper towels."},{"@type":"HowToStep","name":"Assemble","text":"Toast the sesame seed buns lightly. Start building your tower by placing a slice of cheese on the bottom half of each bun."},{"@type":"HowToStep","name":"Layer","text":"Layer lettuce over the cheese, add the fried chicken, then another slice of cheese."},{"@type":"HowToStep","name":"Top","text":"Top the cheese with a cooked hash brown, spread mayonnaise on the top half of the bun, and cover your tower."},{"@type":"HowToStep","name":"Serve","text":"Serve your Zinger Tower Burger immediately, with extra hot sauce or ketchup if desired."}]}